Cardiac Safety & ECG

At Biotrial, we understand the critical importance of cardiac safety in clinical trials. We offer a comprehensive range of adapted cardiac safety and ECG solutions to help biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry meet their regulatory requirements and ensure the safety of their participants.

We provide digital ECG (Electrocardiogram) or ABPM (Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring) devices, train users, and ensure support throughout the study to guarantee high-quality recordings. Services dedicated to cardiology also include the central reading of cardiac MRI, Cardiac Ultrasound, or Scintigraphy.

Every clinical trial is different, so we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each study. We work closely with our sponsors to develop a customized plan that will help them achieve their desired results.

Biotrial Core Lab Ecg Reading

ECG Safety Reading

Biotrial’s ECG safety reading services help biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry ensure the safety of their participants in clinical trials. Our services are backed by qualified cardiologists, who are specifically trained in ECG manual reading and provide high-quality, reliable ECG reviews. We offer individual reports for participant follow-up and work closely with our sponsors to develop customized plans that meet their specific needs.

Our ECG safety reading services can help you to:

  • Identify and assess cardiac safety risks
  • Monitor participant cardiac health throughout a clinical trial
  • Comply with regulatory requirements for cardiac safety in clinical trials

Qualitative Cardiologist Review

Biotrial works with cardiologists who provide our sponsors with the highest level of confidence in the quality and accuracy of their ECG data. They are specifically trained in ECG manual reading and interpretation and use their expertise to identify and assess any abnormalities in the electrocardiographic waveform, including:

  • Rhythm qualification
  • Morphology and conduction qualification
  • T wave and U wave qualification

Once the review is complete, study sites receive an ECG report that informs them of the results and provides any necessary recommendations. This allows sites to take prompt action to address any potential cardiac safety concerns.

Biotrial Core Lab Cardiologist Review
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Central ABPM

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a non-invasive method of recording blood pressure over 24-hours. It is a key component of many clinical trials, as it can be used to monitor patient variation in blood pressure levels and identify potential safety or efficacy concerns.

Biotrial’s central ABPM service helps biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry meet their clinical trial needs. We provide sites with a variety of devices for measurements, adapted to the specific needs of each project. 

These devices can be used to collect:

  • Spot blood pressure measures
  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measures
  • Home measures

Cardiac Imaging

Cardiac imaging is a key aspect of Cardiovascular safety and efficacy endpoint evaluations. Biotrial’s Core Lab has expertise in supporting sites for central analysis of cardiac MRI and transthoracic ultrasound (TTUS). Our pool of cardiologists includes members who routinely review these recordings in their clinical practice, as well as for Biotrial clinical studies. The central review of cardiac imaging results complements site capabilities and provides a homogenous reading for multi-site trials. Multi-reader organizations with endpoint adjudication can also be set up for these readings.


Benefits of Biotrial’s Central Cardiac Imaging Services

  • Access to a team of experienced cardiologists with expertise in cardiac imaging
  • Centralized reading of cardiac imaging results for multi-site trials
  • Homogenous reading of cardiac imaging results
  • Multi-reader organizations with endpoint adjudication
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements for cardiac safety and efficacy endpoint evaluations

Biotrial Phase I Clinics

  • Highly qualified and experienced clinical staff
  • 260 fully equipped beds
  • Fast & efficient recruitment capabilities

External CPU & Hospitals

  • Site qualification
  • Training of local staff
  • Technical support / Hotline
  • Feedback with individual reports



Project Manager

Main sponsor contact throughout the trial. Organizes all aspects of the project at Biotrial from development to timelines.

Technical Manager

In charge of technical elements: device selection and setup, user manual, central reading manual.


Selected from the pool of experts depending on the exam to be read: cardiologists, radiologists, with various expertise.

Data Manager

Transfer data to the sponsor at agreed-upon time points, and collect endpoints in the appropriate database format.

Participate in a clinical trial

Fond Prefooter
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